Shuyokan Ryu Martial Arts Center

Black Belt Testing - Goals

Video Notes

The Martial Arts Hall of Fame Presents
David Dye – The Samurai Cop

The Martial Arts Hall of Fame Presents David Dye, The Samurai Cop

Click on the image above to view the video.

The Importance of Taking Breakfalls

The importance of taking breakfalls

Click on the image above to view a short video.
(Video by Professor George KirbyCamp Budoshin 2011)

Highlights From Camp Budoshin 2011

Highlights from Camp Budoshin 2011

Click on the image above to view a 5 minute video.
(Video by Professor George KirbyCamp Budoshin 2010)

It is the goal of Shuyokan Ryu not only to develop the martial arts skills of the student, but also to develop the character of the student.

To this end, each level of black belt has a theme associated that underlies the training for the dan (Black Belt) ranks. Themes such as commitment, creativity and service all act together to develop the character of the student.

The following chart indicates the training commitment required by the student to achieve the dan ranks in the Shuyokan Ryu System. Time in grade and training hours must be documented.

To Be Eligible
to Test For
Time In Grade Regular
Class Hours
Black Belt
Class Hours
1 Shodan 1 Year as 1st Kyu 90 Hours 15 Hours
2 Nidan 1 Year as Shodan 90 Hours 15 Hours
3 Sandan 2 Years as Nidan 180 Hours 30 Hours
4 Yondan 3 Years as Sandan 270 Hours 45 Hours
5 Godan 4 Years as Yondan 360 Hours 60 Hours
6 Rokudan 5 Years as Godan 450 Hours 75 Hours
7 Shichidan 6 Years as Rokudan 540 Hours 90 Hours
8 Hachidan 7 Years as Shichidan 630 Hours 105 Hours

Return to the main Testing Techniques page

Video Notes

The Martial Arts Hall of Fame Presents
David Dye – The Samurai Cop

The Martial Arts Hall of Fame Presents David Dye, The Samurai Cop

Click on the image above to view the video.

The Importance of Taking Breakfalls

The importance of taking breakfalls

Click on the image above to view a short video.
(Video by Professor George KirbyCamp Budoshin 2011)

Highlights From Camp Budoshin 2011

Highlights from Camp Budoshin 2011

Click on the image above to view a 5 minute video.
(Video by Professor George KirbyCamp Budoshin 2010)


Shuyokan Sayings

"A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions." -- Confucius

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