Shuyokan Ryu Martial Arts Center

Mission Statement

Video Notes

The Martial Arts Hall of Fame Presents
David Dye – The Samurai Cop

The Martial Arts Hall of Fame Presents David Dye, The Samurai Cop

Click on the image above to view the video.

The Importance of Taking Breakfalls

The importance of taking breakfalls

Click on the image above to view a short video.
(Video by Professor George KirbyCamp Budoshin 2011)

Highlights From Camp Budoshin 2011

Highlights from Camp Budoshin 2011

Click on the image above to view a 5 minute video.
(Video by Professor George KirbyCamp Budoshin 2010)

It is the mission of this organization to recognize and support positive martial artists throughout the world.

Martial arts should be a part of the backbone of the educational system and should be given respect and support from the community.

Martial artists historically protected those who were unable to protect themselves. This organization is determined to keep those ideals alive and to perpetuate the philosophy of helping the weak overcome their weaknesses and develop into strong healthy citizens.

To create a unity of qualified martial artists and instructors of the martial arts upon evidence being shown of their strong mind, spirit and body through a serious study of martial arts.

To issue rank and register qualified Black Belt members and Martial Arts Schools so they may progress and receive the respect and recognition they deserve for their dedication and service to the Code of Bushido and the Martial Art Way.

To create an organization of support for the teaching and understanding of the martial arts, I do hereby establish the International Shuyokan Aikido Federation U.S.A. on this 27th day of February in the year 1996.

Video Notes

The Martial Arts Hall of Fame Presents
David Dye – The Samurai Cop

The Martial Arts Hall of Fame Presents David Dye, The Samurai Cop

Click on the image above to view the video.

The Importance of Taking Breakfalls

The importance of taking breakfalls

Click on the image above to view a short video.
(Video by Professor George KirbyCamp Budoshin 2011)

Highlights From Camp Budoshin 2011

Highlights from Camp Budoshin 2011

Click on the image above to view a 5 minute video.
(Video by Professor George KirbyCamp Budoshin 2010)


Shuyokan Sayings

"Traditionalists often study what is taught, not what there is to create." -- Ed Parker, Grandmaster, American Kenpo

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