Shuyokan Ryu Martial Arts Center

Dye Sensei's First Sensei

Shuyokan Ryu Black Belt
Fred E. Dye - Dye Sensei's Father

Fred E. Dye
"My First Sensei"

David Dye throwing his Judo sensei

David Dye (1975)
Throwing His Judo Sensei

David Dye Sensei of the Shuyokan Martial Arts Center - Costa Mesa, CA USA

David Dye Sensei

"If it were not for my father introducing me to the martial arts, I would not be where I am today. Each time that I set foot onto the Shuyokan mats, I am reminded of the fact that I had a very loving and caring father, who was able to see something in me, as his only son, that only he knew, would someday change the course of my future. For his wisdom, I am eternally thankful."

Black Belt

Sensei Dye

Sensei Dye's Stamp

Video Notes

The Martial Arts Hall of Fame Presents
David Dye – The Samurai Cop

The Martial Arts Hall of Fame Presents David Dye, The Samurai Cop

Click on the image above to view the video.

The Importance of Taking Breakfalls

The importance of taking breakfalls

Click on the image above to view a short video.
(Video by Professor George KirbyCamp Budoshin 2011)

Highlights From Camp Budoshin 2011

Highlights from Camp Budoshin 2011

Click on the image above to view a 5 minute video.
(Video by Professor George KirbyCamp Budoshin 2010)


Shuyokan Sayings

"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself." -- Leo Tolstoy

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