Shuyokan Ryu Martial Arts Center

Letter from the Commanding General of the Army Special Forces

Video Notes

The Martial Arts Hall of Fame Presents
David Dye – The Samurai Cop

The Martial Arts Hall of Fame Presents David Dye, The Samurai Cop

Click on the image above to view the video.

The Importance of Taking Breakfalls

The importance of taking breakfalls

Click on the image above to view a short video.
(Video by Professor George KirbyCamp Budoshin 2011)

Highlights From Camp Budoshin 2011

Highlights from Camp Budoshin 2011

Click on the image above to view a 5 minute video.
(Video by Professor George KirbyCamp Budoshin 2010)


US Army Special Forces Command - Airborne Pennant
Commanding General
United States Army Special Forces Command (Airborne)
Fort Bragg, North Carolina 28310-5200
January 16, 2003


Mr. David Dye
Shuyokan Dojo
1360 Logan Suite #108
Costa Mesa, California 92626

Dear Mr. Dye:

I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for your sacrifice and contributions to the soldiers of U.S. Army Special Forces Command (Airborne). Your expertise and the demanding training provided during the Force Protection Awareness Seminar, undoubtedly improved the readiness and combat skills of each soldier.

Your ability to translate your personal experiences as a law enforcement officer and share your uniques combatives skills has ensured the protection of our soldiers while expanding their critical skill base.

On behalf of the members of this command, I wish to extend my deepest appreciation for your outstanding support to the men who wear the Green Beret.

Geoffrey C. Lambert
Geoffrey C. Lambert
Major General, U.S. Army
Commanding General

Video Notes

The Martial Arts Hall of Fame Presents
David Dye – The Samurai Cop

The Martial Arts Hall of Fame Presents David Dye, The Samurai Cop

Click on the image above to view the video.

The Importance of Taking Breakfalls

The importance of taking breakfalls

Click on the image above to view a short video.
(Video by Professor George KirbyCamp Budoshin 2011)

Highlights From Camp Budoshin 2011

Highlights from Camp Budoshin 2011

Click on the image above to view a 5 minute video.
(Video by Professor George KirbyCamp Budoshin 2010)


Shuyokan Sayings

"Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts." -- Sir Winston Churchill

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