Shuyokan Ryu Martial Arts Center

Black Belt Testing - Nidan

Video Notes

The Martial Arts Hall of Fame Presents
David Dye – The Samurai Cop

The Martial Arts Hall of Fame Presents David Dye, The Samurai Cop

Click on the image above to view the video.

The Importance of Taking Breakfalls

The importance of taking breakfalls

Click on the image above to view a short video.
(Video by Professor George KirbyCamp Budoshin 2011)

Highlights From Camp Budoshin 2011

Highlights from Camp Budoshin 2011

Click on the image above to view a 5 minute video.
(Video by Professor George KirbyCamp Budoshin 2010)

The theme of the Nidan test is Application.

This is ability of the candidates to apply what they have learned in a more combative environment.

Candidates should be able to think on their feet, move and perform Shuyokan Ryu techniques regardless of whether they are formal techniques or effective moves made up on the spot.

At this level, the candidate should have a repertoire of techniques to use in a variety of situations. The candidate may perform any technique appropriate for the situation and must demonstrate the effectiveness and power of the technique in a proficient manner.

Uke will attack using any of the attacks indicated within the testing group. Attacks will be at full combat speed.

Nidan Examination – Application

Printer friendly version of Nidan Examination Testing Techniques


Permission to Test

•  Test Administrator calls the Nidan Candidate
•  Candidate Introduces Self, States Qualifications and Requests Permission to Test
•  Sensei Acknowledges


Student performs two Kata from the following list of four:
       •  Hula O Pohaku Koa – Walu Ekaihi
       •  Hula O Pohaku Koa – Walu Elua
       •  Shuyokan Jo Kata – 22 Moves
       •  Student-created Kata
Each Kata is performed three (3) times. Once at a normal speed without Uke(s), once at walking speed with Uke(s) and once at combat speed with Uke(s).
1. Student performs 1st Kata
2. Student performs 2nd Kata

Ground Techniques

3. Round House Punch, Soto Makikomi, Katami Waza #1
4. Front Strike, Ippon Seoinage, Katami Waza #2

Empty-Hand Attacks

5. Grabbing Technique       9. Punching Technique
6. Grabbing Technique     10. Punching Technique
7. Striking Technique        11. Choking Technique
8. Striking Technique        12. Choking Technique

Weapon Attacks - One on One (Uke Has Weapon)

13. Club Technique          17. Gun Technique
14. Club Technique          18. Gun Technique
15. Knife Technique
16. Knife Technique

Weapon Defense - Two on One (Shite Has Weapon)

19. Weapon Defense       21. Weapon Defense
20. Weapon Defense       22. Weapon Defense


23. Two on One (Both Ukes Have Weapons)
24. Two on One (All Empty Hand) - Exhaustive

Nidan Test Format


The Nidan test is a formal test designed to allow the judges to evaluate the ability of the candidate. The test will be conducted by a Test Administrator.

Sensei will assign Ukes for the test at the time of the examination. Shite should practice for the examination with several Ukes. Ukes may be changed anytime during the test.

Permission To Test

When requested, the candidate will state their name, current rank, time in grade, training hours in rank and the rank for which they are testing. This will be followed by a formal request to test. Sensei will acknowledge.


Following the permission to test, the candidate will request the name of the first of two Katas to be performed. Sensei will respond. Upon completion of the first Kata, the candidate will request the name of the second Kata. Sensei will respond.

Ground Techniques

The candidate will perform both techniques indicated on the test sheet. Ukes will initiate the attacks at their own discretion.

Empty-Hand Techniques

The Test Administrator shall announce the type of attack (i.e., a grabbing attack). Uke shall initiate the attack at their own discretion from a distance of approximately 10-15 feet. A second attack shall be made immediately and as fast as possible. The Test Administrator shall then announce the next attack. The table below indicates the acceptable attacks for each category.

Weapon Attack Techniques

Test Administrator requests Sensei to select first weapon defense. Shite picks up weapon and returns to the center of the mat. Uke immediately attacks empty hand until told to stop (Matte). Test Administrator requests Sensei to select second weapon defense. Shite picks up weapon and returns to the center of the mat. Uke immediately attacks empty handed until told to stop (Matte).


The Test Administrator requests Sensei to select weapons for Ukes. As soon as the weapons are selected, attacks will be initiated. Should Shite capture a weapon from an Uke, Shite may use that weapon for defense. Sensei shall stop the freestyle (Matte). An exhaustive second free-style may be ordered at Sensei's discretion.

Empty Hand Techniques


Single Wrist
Cross Wrist
Both Wrists
Behind Single Wrist
Behind Both Wrists
Rear Bear Hug (Under arms)
Rear Bear Hug (Over arms)
Front Both Shoulders (Pull in close)


Backhand Side
Alternating Strikes (left-right-left-right)


Shoulder Grasp - Face
Behind Shoulder Pull - Face
Combination Jabs (Boxing-style) Left & Right Hand
Front Snap Kick with Straight Punch


Straight Arm
Rear Neck Lock
Side Head Lock
Rear Neck Lock with Wrist Grab


Weapon Attacks


Front Strike
Side Strike
Backhand Strike
Shoulder Grab & Attack

Knife (Left or Right Hand)

Under Chin
Inside Throat
Outside Throat
Front Strike
Side Strike

Gun (Left or Right Hand)

Under Chin
Front (High or Low)
Back (High or Low)

Freestyle - Weapon Choices

Baseball Bat, Club, Cane, Jo, Knife, Stick (unless otherwise directed)

Shuyokai Nidan Test Supplement

  1. All time in grade requirements and training hours must be documented and presented at time of testing.
  2. The Shuyokai Nidan Test must be performed either at the Shuyokan Ryu Hombu dojo, at the Shuyokai dojo under the supervision of a representative from the Hombu dojo, or upon approval on a DVD for review by Sensei Dye and a board of black belts at the Hombu dojo.
  3. At least 50% or more of the techniques performed on this test must be Shuyokan Ryu techniques. The balance may be made up of Shuyokai techniques.
  4. The Test Administrator shall direct all activities of the candidate relating to positioning, attacks and defenses. Candidates shall focus on the directions and pay particular attention to the tempo of the test.
  5. When requested and in a manner customary to the Shuyokai dojo, the candidate should a state their name, current rank, time in grade, training hours in rank and the rank for which they are testing. This will be followed by a formal request to test. Sensei will acknowledge.


Return to the main Testing Techniques page

Video Notes

The Martial Arts Hall of Fame Presents
David Dye – The Samurai Cop

The Martial Arts Hall of Fame Presents David Dye, The Samurai Cop

Click on the image above to view the video.

The Importance of Taking Breakfalls

The importance of taking breakfalls

Click on the image above to view a short video.
(Video by Professor George KirbyCamp Budoshin 2011)

Highlights From Camp Budoshin 2011

Highlights from Camp Budoshin 2011

Click on the image above to view a 5 minute video.
(Video by Professor George KirbyCamp Budoshin 2010)


Shuyokan Sayings

"Often the best way to win is to forget to keep score." -- Marianne Espinosa Murphy

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