Shuyokan Ryu Martial Arts Center

Black Belt Testing - Shodan

Video Notes

The Martial Arts Hall of Fame Presents
David Dye – The Samurai Cop

The Martial Arts Hall of Fame Presents David Dye, The Samurai Cop

Click on the image above to view the video.

The Importance of Taking Breakfalls

The importance of taking breakfalls

Click on the image above to view a short video.
(Video by Professor George KirbyCamp Budoshin 2011)

Highlights From Camp Budoshin 2011

Highlights from Camp Budoshin 2011

Click on the image above to view a 5 minute video.
(Video by Professor George KirbyCamp Budoshin 2010)

The theme of the Shodan test is Knowledge.

To achieve the first level of black belt, the candidate must be able to demonstrate their proficiency of the art they are studying.

They must be able to demonstrate their knowledge of the techniques they have been taught, how they are applied, how to control them and when they are to be applied.

They must also have knowledge of the Shuyokan Ryu teaching system. This includes the ability to teach techniques in a classroom environment.

Shodan Examination – Knowledge

Printer friendly version of Shodan Examination Testing Techniques


Permission to Test

•  Test Administrator calls the Shodan Candidate
•  Candidate Introduces Self, States Qualifications and Requests Permission to Test
•  Sensei Acknowledges

Empty-Handed Techniques

1. Single Wrist Grab – Forearm Kote Gaeshi
2. Cross Wrist Grab – Kote Gaeshi – Osoto Gari
3. Cross Wrist Grab – Nikajo – Kote Gaeshi
4. Behind Both Wrists Grab – Kote Gaeshi
5. Behind Both Wrists Grab – Irimi-Nage

6. Shoulder Grab with Face Punch – Kote Gaeshi
7. Shoulder Grab with Face Punch – Ippon Seoinage
8. Shoulder Grab with Roundhouse Punch – Osoto Gari
9. Two Handed Shoulder Grab with Pull – Osoto Otoshi

10. Two Handed Straight Arm Choke – Knee Strike Throw
11. Front Two Handed Straight Arm Choke – Step Away Strike Take Down
12. Rear Choke – Osoto Gari
13. Side Headlock Escape – Osoto Gari

14. Front Strike – Ippon Seoinage
15. Front Strike – Kote Gaeshi – Irimi-Nage
16. Backhand Strike – Kote Gaeshi – Irimi-Nage
17. Side Strike – Kote Gaeshi – Irimi-Nage

18. Face Punch – Inside Parry Block – Elbow Strike Osoto Gari
19. Face Punch – Outside Perry Block Inner Arm Take Down
20. Face Punch – Tai Sabaki Take Down
21. Face Punch – Ippon Seoinage
22. Face punch Lay block Combination Throws:
     Osoto Gari – Irimi-Nage – Shiho-Nage – Kote Gaeshi

23. Roundhouse Punch – Osoto Gari
24. Roundhouse Punch – Tai Otoshi
25. Roundhouse Punch – Shiho-Nage
26. Roundhouse Punch – Soto Makikomi
27. Roundhouse Punch – Soto Makikomi – Katami Waza

Weapon Disarming

28. Front Strike with Club – Kote Gaeshi
29. Side Strike with Club – Ippon Seoinage
30. Backhand Strike with Club – Irimi-Nage
31. Knife Across Throat – Kote Gaeshi
32. Knife Under Chin with Shoulder Grab – Kote Gaeshi
33. Knife To Side of Neck – Soto Makikomi


One on One
Two on One

Shodan Test Format


The Shodan test is a formal test designed to allow the judges to evaluate the ability of the candidate. The test will be conducted by a Test Administrator.

The Test Administrator will direct all activities of the candidate relating to positioning, attacks and defenses. Candidates shall focus on the directions and pay particular attention to the tempo of the test.

Sensei will assign Ukes for the test at the time of the examination. Shite should practice for the examination with several Ukes. Ukes may be changed anytime during the test.

Permission To Test

When requested, the candidate will state their name, current rank, time in grade, training hours in rank and the rank for which they are testing. This will be followed by a formal request to test. Sensei will acknowledge.

Empty-Hand Techniques

The Test Administrator shall announce the technique to be demonstrated (i.e. grabbing attack, etc.). Uke shall initiate the attack upon the Test Administrator's command (Hajime). Upon completion of the technique, the candidate and Uke shall face each other in the ready position and return to the original starting position maintaining eye contact. The Test Administrator shall then announce the next attack.

Weapon Attack Techniques

(Uke attacks using weapon) — Test Administrator requests Sensei to select first weapon attack. Uke picks up weapon and when given the command, immediately attacks until told to stop (Matte). Test Administrator stops attacks and requests Sensei to select second weapon attack. Uke picks up weapon and when commanded and immediately attacks until stopped by Sensei's command (Matte).


The Test Administrator announces the freestyle attack to be initiated. Upon the command to begin, Uke will repeatedly attack the candidate using any attack desired. Speed of attacks is important. Once Uke is thrown, the next attack shall begin immediately. The freestyle attacks shall continue until stopped by Sensei's command (Matte).

Shuyokai Shodan Test Supplement

  1. All time in grade requirements and training hours must be documented and presented at time of testing.
  2. The Shuyokai Shodan Test must be performed either at the Shuyokan Ryu Hombu dojo, at the Shuyokai dojo under the supervision of a representative from the Hombu dojo, or upon approval on a DVD for review by Sensei Dye and a board of black belts at the Hombu dojo.
  3. All Shodan Examination techniques shall be demonstrated in a proficient manner.
  4. The Shodan test is a formal test designed to allow the judges to evaluate the ability of the candidate. The test will be conducted by the Test Administrator.
  5. The Test Administrator will direct all activities of the candidate relating to positioning, attacks and defenses. Candidates shall focus on the directions and pay particular attention to the tempo of the test.
  6. When requested, and in a manner customary to the Shuyokai dojo, the candidate should state their name, current rank, time in grade, training hours in rank and the rank for which they are testing. This will be followed by a formal request to test. The Sensei will acknowledge.


Return to the main Testing Techniques page

Video Notes

The Martial Arts Hall of Fame Presents
David Dye – The Samurai Cop

The Martial Arts Hall of Fame Presents David Dye, The Samurai Cop

Click on the image above to view the video.

The Importance of Taking Breakfalls

The importance of taking breakfalls

Click on the image above to view a short video.
(Video by Professor George KirbyCamp Budoshin 2011)

Highlights From Camp Budoshin 2011

Highlights from Camp Budoshin 2011

Click on the image above to view a 5 minute video.
(Video by Professor George KirbyCamp Budoshin 2010)


Shuyokan Sayings

"A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others throw at him." -- David Brink

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